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09/19/2019 - CDX Release 6.2 with further improvements

  • 送料無料(一部除く) スタッドレスタイヤ ホイール 4本セット 15インチ 215-70-15。スタッドレスタイヤ ホイールセット 4本セット 215/70r15 ミシュラン x-ice xi3 15インチ gスピードg03 15×6.0 5穴 pcd114.3.
  • CDX Release 6.2 (rollout on October 30, 2019) focuses on the following enhancements: Bug fixes and system stability In MDS Details exemptions for regulations like RoHS are now filtered, so that only those exemptions are selectable that are configured for the respective substance /.

CDH 6.0.x Release Notes For links to the detailed change lists that describe the bug fixes and improvements to all of the CDH 6 projects, see CDH Packaging Information. For more information about installing and configuring CDH 6, see Cloudera Installation Guide.

CDX Release 6.2 (rollout on October 30, 2019) focuses on the following enhancements:

Bug fixes and system stability

  • In MDS Details exemptions for regulations like RoHS are now filtered, so that only those exemptions are selectable that are configured for the respective substance / substance group.
  • Corrected calculation for substance aggregates: In CDX the substance content per substance of concern is always shown as an aggregate at the enclosing component / semi-component level. This aggregate can be expanded to show the single occurrences. For regulations of type 'homogenous material' CDX used the aggregate instead of the respective occurrence of the substance per material for threshold calculations, leading to situations where more warnings were issued than actually required. Example: A component contains two materials, each of them referencing a lead at 0.06%. The aggregate would be 0.12%. As lead under RoHS may not occur at more than 0.1% under a material, no warnings would be expected. Unfortunately, the aggregate was used and a warning issued.
  • Various fixes in the regulation administration have been implemented.
  • Threshold calculations now always against MAX value, leading to worst case scenario calculations for regulated substances. When having substances referenced as range (from-to) percentage, CDX now uses the ‘to' value instead of the weighted mean. This leads to more conservative / cautious assumptions on the compliance of substance usage.

User Interface (UI) clean up and performance

  • Significant changes to the tree loader now allow 90 % faster loading of large MDSs.
  • Various clean ups in the UI to enhance understandability of messages and reduce display of redundant data by reduction of check messages.
  • Check results can now be exported to MS Excel files.

Enhanced system usability through

6.0 Wow

  • Introduction of multiple supplier codes for CMD. Each CMD now can be associated with more than one supplier code.
  • Search for supplier codes is extended for multiple supplier codes: When an MDS is associated with more than one supplier code, the search for MDSs identifies all MDSs with the given search parameter.
  • Filtering for overdue requests in MDS/CMD Outbox & Inbox to identify and search for those requests, that have not been responded to in due time.
  • Requests to override 'confirmation required' flag, so that per request company defaults can be overridden.

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Changes to Regulations

  • Regulations of scope homogenous material now require a material layer for substances: Whenever an MDS is configured for compliance to a regulation with scope 'homogenous material' (i.e. ELV, REACH), substances are required to be included in a material. Direct referencing of substances under Components or Semicomponents will be flagged as error or forbidden, depending on whether the regulation is added to the scope of the MDS before or after referencing the substance.
  • Thresholds & Due/Sunset Dates per exemption, including Web Services adaptation & rule checks: Each exemption can now be configured so that substances are not allowed to be used over a given threshold under the given exemption or beyond exemption due date. This is to reflect RoHS compliance requirements.

Confidential Substances


CDH 6.0.x Release Notes For links to the detailed change lists that describe the bug fixes and improvements to all of the CDH 6 projects, see CDH Packaging Information. For more information about installing and configuring CDH 6, see Cloudera Installation Guide.

CDX Release 6.2 (rollout on October 30, 2019) focuses on the following enhancements:

Bug fixes and system stability

  • In MDS Details exemptions for regulations like RoHS are now filtered, so that only those exemptions are selectable that are configured for the respective substance / substance group.
  • Corrected calculation for substance aggregates: In CDX the substance content per substance of concern is always shown as an aggregate at the enclosing component / semi-component level. This aggregate can be expanded to show the single occurrences. For regulations of type 'homogenous material' CDX used the aggregate instead of the respective occurrence of the substance per material for threshold calculations, leading to situations where more warnings were issued than actually required. Example: A component contains two materials, each of them referencing a lead at 0.06%. The aggregate would be 0.12%. As lead under RoHS may not occur at more than 0.1% under a material, no warnings would be expected. Unfortunately, the aggregate was used and a warning issued.
  • Various fixes in the regulation administration have been implemented.
  • Threshold calculations now always against MAX value, leading to worst case scenario calculations for regulated substances. When having substances referenced as range (from-to) percentage, CDX now uses the ‘to' value instead of the weighted mean. This leads to more conservative / cautious assumptions on the compliance of substance usage.

User Interface (UI) clean up and performance

  • Significant changes to the tree loader now allow 90 % faster loading of large MDSs.
  • Various clean ups in the UI to enhance understandability of messages and reduce display of redundant data by reduction of check messages.
  • Check results can now be exported to MS Excel files.

Enhanced system usability through

6.0 Wow

  • Introduction of multiple supplier codes for CMD. Each CMD now can be associated with more than one supplier code.
  • Search for supplier codes is extended for multiple supplier codes: When an MDS is associated with more than one supplier code, the search for MDSs identifies all MDSs with the given search parameter.
  • Filtering for overdue requests in MDS/CMD Outbox & Inbox to identify and search for those requests, that have not been responded to in due time.
  • Requests to override 'confirmation required' flag, so that per request company defaults can be overridden.

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Changes to Regulations

  • Regulations of scope homogenous material now require a material layer for substances: Whenever an MDS is configured for compliance to a regulation with scope 'homogenous material' (i.e. ELV, REACH), substances are required to be included in a material. Direct referencing of substances under Components or Semicomponents will be flagged as error or forbidden, depending on whether the regulation is added to the scope of the MDS before or after referencing the substance.
  • Thresholds & Due/Sunset Dates per exemption, including Web Services adaptation & rule checks: Each exemption can now be configured so that substances are not allowed to be used over a given threshold under the given exemption or beyond exemption due date. This is to reflect RoHS compliance requirements.

Confidential Substances

Cdpedia 6 0 16 Old Tire

  • Regulated substances are no longer allowed to be confidential. If regulated by regulations in scope, an error occurs, disallowing release, send/propose, or accept actions. If substances are regulated by global regulations not in scope, a warning is created.
  • It is no longer allowed to reference materials that contain confidential substances that are regulated by regulations in scope.
  • Web Services also honor this behavior.

Various clean ups of IPC175x related issues

  • IPC1752 multi-level support for import / export: The CDX IPC1752 implementation now supports complex products.

Safe Use Instructions (SUI)

  • SUI are documents that elaborate on the safe usage of a product containing hazardous substances. In CDX SUI can now be attached as a document.
  • Introduction of Document Types: When attaching documents, the user is now required to provide a Document Type from the list of selectable types. Default value is 'General document', which is also applied to existing legacy data. For SUI an according document type has been introduced.
  • Possibility to identify MDSs that have attached SUI in search results by a new icon.
  • Regulations can be configured to require SUI, so that in case one or more regulated substance(s) exist(s) in the MDS, a warning will be issued unless at least one SUI document is attached.
    En oxforddictionaries.

CDX Web Services

Cdpedia 6 0 16 Mm

The following changes in the CDX Web Service Interface (WSI) have been implemented:

  • The CDX Web Service is enhanced to support the above mentioned changes regarding Regulations and Confidential Substances.
  • Introduction of part number based matching for referencing supplied part on creation of MDS: Whenever an MDS is created using the Web Service that shall reference supplied parts, these parts can now be identified by using the part number as parameter. As part numbers are not unique in CDX, the logic behind that matching assumes that the 'most current' MDS with the given part number shall be used. 'Most current' is interpreted as the MDS with the latest release respectively acceptance date. Whenever a part number and no node id is provided in the Web Service upload, part number matching will happen. This is transparent to existing Web Services implementation, as the part number is optional.

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For a complete overview what Web Services can be used, please read the Web Service Manual (also available in CDX > Help > Web Service).

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